Pantherinae. Subfamily of Felidae.
The top seven most dangerous predator cats in the world come from Pantherinae. They are known for their speed, agility, violence, solitary behavior, and intelligence.
These are the qualities we strive towards with our clients. We are NASM-CPT certified specialists that look to increase speed, processing time, range of motion, power, and intelligence when it comes to movement. We help build environments that allow our clients to look inward, develop intrinsic goals, and make long term, holistic, functional plans. We eschew comparison and encourage self-efficacy.
We are exclusive, not expensive. If you are a non-profit looking for a day of training or negotiating something for your NGO, reach out.

Who we are not.
We are not a weight loss program. We are not a muscle building program. We are not in the business of getting you to your first marathon. We are not in the business of making you Instagram ready. This training program and our collective set out to make our clients the strongest, most powerful pound-for-pound version of themselves physically and mentally. If you are looking for anything other than that, this is not the place for you.